Things That You Need to Keep a Note of When Setting up Your Photo ...

Photographers who want to set up a photo studio are initially looking for a suitable property. But which rooms are ideal for setting up a photo studio? And what should the technical equipment look like?

Of course, the requirements vary depending on the type of shoot you want to do there and whether it is done professionally or as a hobby, but there are many similarities.


Every broker knows the saying of the three most essential criteria for the valuation of a property. The site also plays a significant role in a photo studio.

One should differentiate between photo studios that have walk-in customers and those where customers only come with a fixed date.

In the former, a location is preferably in a pedestrian zone or the like. It makes sense, with many potential customers passing the shop window.

Dimensions Of The Room

For photo studios in which people (whole-body) are to be photographed, a minimum room height of 3 meters is advisable; otherwise, you get too many problems with hanging the background systems.

Background cardboards are 2.70 or more wide. There is still enough space for the flash tripods, and you need at least a room width of 5 meters.

The room’s length should be at least 6 – 8 meters, so that a sufficient shooting distance can be realized.

The above dimensions apply to people photography. Of course, when cars or other things are photographed, the recommendations look very different.


As a rule, the walls in photo studios are painted white, sometimes black or gay is also selected. Any kind of colour is not useful, because you get unwanted colour casts through light reflections in the photos.

With white walls, reflective scattered light must always be expected. If you want to avoid this, hang the white walls with black Moleton or paint them black. People would feel uncomfortable in a black-painted studio, so the walls in my studios have always been white.

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